Lightning Talks

Raj Reddy, Srinivasa S. R. Varadhan, Jack J. Dongarra, Martin Hellman, Leslie Lamport, Efim Zelmanov, Vinton Gray Cerf, John E. Hopcroft, Adi Shamir

These are short, rapid-fire, one-slided talks that look at an important breakthrough from the past, a challenge or problem for the future or a piece of advice to attending young researchers. 

Moderator: Tom Crawford 

Raj Reddy: Eliminating Covid Lockdowns 
Srinivasa S. R. Varadhan: Reflections on a Research Career 
Jack J. Dongarra: Today’s High Performance Computing Environment for Scientific Computing 
Martin Hellman: Wisdom of Foolishness 
Leslie Lamport: The Byzantine Generals in 3-1/4 Minutes 
Efim Zelmanov: Algebra: What’s Next? 
Vinton Gray Cerf: Status of the Interplanetary Internet 
John E. Hopcroft: Talent for the Information Age 
Adi Shamir: How Difficult Is It to Solve Systems of Equations over ReLU-based Deep Neural Networks?