Satellite Program
Several satellite events are set to enrich this year’s program throughout the duration of the Virtual HLF. Participants are able and encouraged to enjoy the virtual exhibition I AM A.I., plus an exhibition and documentary film dedicated to the life and work of Maryam Mirzakhani. To facilitate active exchanges between select participants, there are interactive elements such as chat rooms and office hours as well.

Exhibition and Talks
I AM A.I. is an interactive science exhibition dedicated to explaining methods and concepts of Artificial Intelligence to a general audience. All participants of the Virtual HLF are invited to visit the digital exhibition and to connect with its creators in live sessions. I AM A.I. was developed by IMAGINARY in collaboration with various researchers. It is financed by the Carl Zeiss Foundation.
Maryam Mirzakhani
Exhibition, Movie, Panel Discussion
Maryam Mirzakhani was the first and still to this day is the only woman to be awarded the Fields Medal. Mirzakhani was acknowledged in 2014, "for her outstanding contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces." Tragically, she died only 3 years later in 2017 at the age of 40. For the Virtual HLF 2020, her life and her lasting impact will be highlighted by an exhibition, a new movie and a panel discussion.

Interactive Elements
Various interactive elements are designed to foster exchange, including chat rooms that are open for all participants. Some laureates are offering office hours with access reserved for small groups of young researchers, providing a platform for in-depth discussion.