Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Welcome to the

Mathematics and computer science have evolved into a matter of utmost importance in our modern society. We are confronted with the product of mathematical and computational research in all situations and aspects of our daily lives. To ensure that this technical revolution continues to thrive, science in all of its facets has to be persistently promoted and encouraged. The Heidelberg Laureate Forum rises to this challenge by bringing together the most exceptional mathematicians and computer scientists of their generations. Each year, in the last complete week of September, the recipients of the most prestigious awards in mathematics and computer science, the Abel Prize, ACM A.M. Turing Award, ACM Prize in Computing, Fields Medal, IMU Abacus Medal and Nevanlinna Prize, meet 200 selected young researchers from all over the world. Participants spend a week interacting and networking in a relaxed atmosphere designed to encourage scientific exchange.

Season's Greetings 2024

As 2024 draws to a close, we look back on a successful 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum. We would like to extend our deepest thanks to all our supporters, partners and guests who have throughout the year shown their appreciation for the work, values and the mission pursued by the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation. We are grateful to each individual and organization that supports us to make both the Heidelberg Laureate Forum and all our other activities such rewarding experiences.

Season's Greetings to all from the entire HLFF team! We wish you all restful and refreshing holidays and a fantastic start into a happy, healthy and exciting New Year!

Applications for the 12th HLF are now open!

Young researchers in mathematics and computer science or related fields can now apply to attend the 12th HLF in September, 2025! Follow the link below to read the full call for applications. You can also head to our FAQ for more information on the application process for young researchers.


The 11th HLF has ended!

The 11th HLF has come to a close! Check out our video to see some of the highlights and hear what our attendees enjoyed most! Follow the link below for more media on the 11th HLF!


10 Years of the HLF

HLFF Spotlight: Alumni in Action!

In the latest installment of our Spotlight: Alumni in Action series, we talk to mathematical physicist and HLF alumnus Michal Jex about his project “Sci-Me!”, a science-themed board game that lets players simulate the everyday life of a researcher.
